New in version 1.3.3
- More consistent UI
- The "Play" button works again
- Slightly better memory management
- Some tweeks for faster searching
- You can now pause connecting
Important ourTunes info:
- If ourTunes can see hosts, but the connection status says "Failed", this is most likely because of the iTunes 7. Apple changed the authentication protocol used to connect to iTunes, so that ourTunes no longer works. We're working on this now, and hope to have a fix soon.
- If ourTunes doesn't see any hosts, make sure you're not on a wireless network, that seems to give it some trouble. If that doesn't fix it, we're sorry, we're working on it.
- You need to be on a network with other people who have iTunes sharing turned on for ourTunes to be at all useful
- The search box is not enabled unless ourTunes sees at least one host
- As for updates ... we're swamped with work this quarter and probably won't be updating OT until mid-december ... this means passworded hosts are on hold for now .. We're also going to be really bad about responding to emails .. sorry, sorry
- If you want to look at the ourTunes source, download the .jar and unzip it, either with the "jar" program that comes bundled with java, or rename it to a .zip and just use a standard unzip program. All the source files are in there.
ourTunes has now hit over 3,000,000 downloads -- woo!
If you like it -- give us beer money, we're broke college students
if something's broken, you can email us (We're going to be really bad about responding, though)